Equality to strengthen democracy. Analysis of LGTBI candidacies in the electoral processes from 2006 to 2016
Carlos Alza, Pilar Rojas, Alejandra Navarro, Julian Mezarina, Alberto Hidalgo, Denisse Castillo, Gissela Cornejo, Laleska Salgado, Mario Ramírez, María Alejandra Saravia, María del Pilar Grados, Yordan MañuicoAño:
Orientación sexual e identidad de género![](https://promsex.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/equality.jpg)
This investigation, promoted by the National Jury of Elections, through the National Office of Education and Citizen Civic Training (DNEF) and the Observatory of Public Policy for Sexual Diversity (DISEX) of the Research Group on Public Policy and Public Management of the School of Government and Public Policy of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), seeks to account for the obstacles faced by LGTBI citizens to influence political decisions of the communities of which they are part and to exercise their political rights as an integral manifestation of human rights. This is undoubtedly a pioneering study that was made possible with the support of the Center for the Promotion and Defense of Sexual and Reproductive Rights (Promsex), The Gay & Lesbian Victory Institute, HIVOS International and the European Union (Adelante con la Diversidad Sexual Program).